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Hemp Supporting Homesteads in Sustainability Goals

Hemp and how it benefits your Homestead

Animal waste clumps tightly in hemp bedding products which allows for easier scooping.  This product is great for chick coops, keeps our coop clean and dry, there is no overwhelming smell with hemp absorbency and odor control properties.  Hemp Bedding is also  used for many animals besides chickens such as: turkeys, ducks, geese, horses, sheep, rabbits, guinea pigs, and gerbils.

Hemp is Sustainable and grows in 1 season compared to Trees that take up to 20 Years to be ready for harvest.  Once Hemp Bedding is ready for changing in your Homestead, you haul it to your fields, crops, gardens, compost piles, or use as mulch.  The added animal waste witht hemp brings added nutrients to your soil eliminating the need to buy more expensive fertilizers.  

Hemp is Sustainable and Helps in Supporting a Healthier Environment, during Growing Season and During Use in End Products !



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